The three emblematic members of the “ART OF FIGHTING” Team, Ryo Sakazaki, Robert Garcia, and Yuri Sakazaki, are back and ready to show their best moves in our latest team trailer for the PlayStation 4 exclusive title “THE KING OF FIGHTERS XIV”. Stay tuned for more exciting character / team videos in the following weeks!
Ryo Sakazaki runs the karate dojo founded years ago by his father Takuma. Training hard every day since his childhood, Ryo is now acknowledged as one of the most skilled karate practitioners of his time, and is often referred to as the “Invincible Dragon”. He fights hard in order to get more pupils joining his dojo.
Assistant instructor at Ryo’s dojo. Legitimate heir of the Italian’s Garcia Foundation, Robert joined the Kyokugenryu dojo against the wishes of his father. Robert excels at kick attacks with his long legs. Ryo’s best friend and training partner, Robert is secretly in love with Yuri.
Ryo Sakazaki’s younger sister managed to learn deadly techniques in less than one year after joining the Kyokugenryu Dojo. As a fighting genius, Yuri has brought her personal touch to her martial art. She trains hard every day in order to be recognized by her big brother, and establish her own dojo in the future.