In a few days we will be able to get our hands on the upcoming horror game Until Dawn. To celebrate the close release date of the exclusive PlayStation 4 game, Sony Computer Entertaiment released two new trailer. The first one is an interactive story trailer. The second one, called The Road Not Taken is a live-action trailer.
From the director of “The Road Not Taken,” Lloyd Choi:
“I’ve always been in love with games that you can’t play alone in the dark. The idea of creating an extended spin-off of the world around Until Dawn definitely excited me, and decided I wanted to try something a little different than the typical game trailer.
“Since Until Dawn is based around the concept of choice (and the tension around it), I immediately thought of Robert Frost’s poem “The Road Not Taken”, which I thought would create an interesting tone and backdrop paired with visceral and frightening images. The poem is often misinterpreted, and is really more complex than people think.
“It’s really about how no matter which direction you choose, that’s the choice you make, leading to a life lived regardless of this road or the other road. And in hindsight, that will be the only way you know and you’ll look back on that decision to take this road as meaningful and important.
“But all roads are really the same. It’s not really an empowering poem of choosing your unique destiny that others haven’t taken; it’s meaning is more bleak and bittersweet. And I found that perfect for Until Dawn.”
Dies ändert sich im neuen interaktiven Trailer, der ab sofort auf dem deutschsprachigen YouTube-Kanal von Sony PlayStation zu sehen ist. Noch vor der Veröffentlichung von Until Dawn kann der Spieler endlich selbst aktiv in die Geschehnisse am Blackwood Mountain eingreifen und über das Schicksal der acht Teenager entscheiden.
Enjoy both trailer right here.