DOOM Review

Bethesda released their latest blockbuster game not long ago. Thanks to them we have the opportunity to test it for you, “HELL YEAH”! We think that the shooter-specialists id Software ofer once again a game that is more than good. They ported the 90s DOOM game into the year 2016 successfully. And we think that this is a moment just to say: “Thank you for a great game!” …and we want to show you why!



After playing the game the first few minutes we laughing about the main characters reactions after a mars-scientist wanted to introduce himself through a display. DOOM’s main protagonist pulls the display out of its anchor and smash it powerful in the corner. At this point we noticed: “Enough talk!” and that this is what the game is about. We can confirm that the main story is based on the previous games: Some scientists found sp_4_1463158203some strange stuff under the ground of the mars which allows to release demons. And yes, this happened and you are the one who has to put the train back on its track (if you know what we mean).


There are few things that tells the player more about the game’s story, which include also some monologues. Unfortunately, it does not matter if you do not listen to that carefully. The only important information is, that the player’s character is not a standard marine. You can see this detail in the first few seconds of the game.


From the beginning you have to fight against some monsters. This game did not handle much with an unnecessary intro. What we like how great this game deal with new stuff our marine get. They celebrate it DOOM_4_02_1463158191when the player put on his suit or find a new weapon he can use. What we also like is the moment our character gets the Double-barreled Shotgun. This team belongs to the game like Han Solo and Chewbacca. What we also love is that this game offers a great party for everyone who played the first DOOM, too.


We think that the nostalgia and the included love to the old game is part of the huge fascination about the game. This does not mean that you can not have a lot of fun with DOOM if you do not know the old one. Who is not happy about to get the chainsaw back in the marines hands, that will love what you can do with it right now.



Like we said it above, this game did not deal with the an introduction or something like that. We can start very early to shred different types of demons in a fantastic looking graphic thanks to the id-Tech-6-Engine. Our feelings and murder pleasure is pushed forward by some metal-music. After a while the enemies are Revenant_Fight_1437988262bigger and become more dangerous. At the same time we can find more and more powerful weapons. This game uses a very easy way to keep us murdering. After we step into an area all doors get closed after we have killed all monsters.


The huge number of enemies keep us moving. We think that everyone who played a lot of shooters in which you have to use cover could need some time to fit into this type of gameplay. But this is what DOOM’s gameplay is about, to run in high speed through the areas and kill everything running in front of your shotgun. This is a totally another gameplay compared to DOOM 3. In DOOM 3 we had to plan every next step. In the latest DOOM game it is all about to keep control about the chaos.


The title DOOM includes more than the story about demons that tries to rule the universe. DOOM means also gore. The so called glory kills add to this well known splatter game the special touch. Players can shoot the enemies health so much down that they start to glow in blue or gold. This is a signal for us to kill Cacodemon_Plus_1437988255monsters with just our hands. An easy close combat attack is enough to activate a great looking and brutal kill-animation. Depending to our position this close combat attacks varies. This not only looks fantastic. It also could be from time to time a rescue of your life. Every monster we kill with a glory kill drop some health and ammunition.


What we also love that DOOM keeps the optic of the great old games. That means that you can find large health packages and armor shields around the map. This optic is clearly chosen by the developers. On the one hand, hidden packages would stop or slow the gameplay speed down. On the other hand, it is a homage to the good old shooter games. We think that id-Software ripped out the heart of old games and packed it into a modern look. You can find this design all around the game. The level-design and stuff you can find is also based on this design. We can find some small marine-puppets, doors to old classic maps from the first and second DOOM, some Mega-Health-Bobbels that fills up completely our health and armor to the max. We also can find some argent-cells that increase our defaults permanently and drones that unlocks some weapon sp_3_1463158193modifications. Rune-Exams are are some small additional challenges which give us some perks.


After you finished the game completely you can try to play it once again in the highest additional difficulty levels: Nightmare and Ultra-Nightmare. That means that you can play this game in five different difficulty levels.


The developers keep in their last version of DOOM a lot of things not only in the singleplayer old-school. They also did it in the multiplayer. id-Software tries to keep the old good stuff like fast action and power-ups shot00030_1459935953and combine them with new trends like Loadouts, the Level-System and Team-Modes. We took the time to play as much matches as we could to see if it works.


The new DOOm ofers six different gameplay-modi. Team-Deathmatch, Soul Harvest, Freeze Tag, Clan Tag, Domination and Warpath. All this modes have one huge mutuality. Every time we have to fight in two teams against each other. Unfortunately, id-Software did not include the classic Deathmatch in which we fight against all players.


What we like is the Freeze Tag. In this mode you have to freeze the enemies. Teammates can unfreeze other teammates. The round ends if all players of one team are completely freezed.


In the Warpath-Mode we have to fight for a checkpoint that moves on a fixed path through the map. Tactics like to camp does not work here.


We want to show you the SnapMap-Editor now.


The SnapMap-Editor is a easy to use Editor. It is easy to create a map with only a few clicks.

What we also like is the great introducing. There a few tutorials and SnapMap-Puzzles which you only can solve if you know the editors functions very well. This editor allows complexe Single-player, multiplayer and SNAP_DOOMx64_2016-03-14_13-57-17-06_1463158192Co-Op-maps- You can also include gameplay-modes like Capture the Flag into the multiplayer-maps. What we also like is that very good and popular levels are selected and presented prominently. It is very easy to load and play created maps.


We can choose for our multiplayer-fights between 10 different weapons, a lot different grenades and a few super-weapons. Most of this weapons player will known from the game’s single-player.


In contrast to the 1993 DOOM you do not find the weapons on the map. Players have to choose them before the match begins. You choose in a Loadout-Menu two favorite main-weapons and grenades. We can confirm that we think that the weapons are great balanced.

What we love is the Demon-Pick-Up. This transforms the player in a monster for a limited time.


We can not say anything bad about DOOM’s multiplayer. Maps and gameplay-mechanics are great created. Unfortunately, we have to say that gamers should not buy this game because of the multiplayer. It is just only HellKnight1_1455901128a great addition, but not the main reason to get the game.


We can confirm that a lot of people think that the new DOOM is very boring. It’s gameplay is just to shoot on everything that runs in front of you gun as long as the player reach the end of the level. But this is what we love about the game. We think that this game is a great mix of fight and collect. We also love it that the developers and the game itself does not take things seriously. This is what liberates the game out of the straight line of all these realistic games. DOOM is a game that is filled up full of action, galore and fun. Thank you for a great new DOOM id-Software. WE LOVE IT!




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