The renowned “Tenkaichi Budokai” (World Tournament) from the DRAGONBALL universe will be translated into reality as a major feature in the upcoming DRAGON BALL XENOVERSE! Among the new details: the players’ guide will be Trunks, the time-traveler per excellence! Thanks to him, all the players’ avatars will meet the Supreme Kai of Time in the “Toki Storage Room”, meet and greet or fight other avatars, customise their characters’skills and clothes, train with their chosen master and finally, take part onTime Patrol Quests (Story Mode) and Parallel Quests (Co-op Play Mode)! Players will be able to fight gigantic foes such Great Ape Vegeta (Time Patrol or Parallel quests)! It seems that the story of the movie “Battle of Gods” has been altered.
DRAGON BALL XENOVERSE will be available for the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PlayStation 3, the Xbox 360 on 13th of February and on 17th of February for STEAM.