, the video-sharing platform for gamers, today introduced the Chrome Extension, now available in the Chrome store. The extension allows Twitch viewers to quickly capture, trim, and share any moment from a livestream with a click, hotkey, or by typing “!plays” in Twitch chat. The streamer always retains credit and all highlights appear on their profile page, along with videos the streamer personally uploads, making the comprehensive destination for all of gaming’s best moments.
“Anyone who’s ever watched a Twitch stream has seen something incredible that they’ve wanted to replay or share,” said Dennis Fong, CEO and founder of parent company Raptr. “The new Chrome Extension lets anyone do exactly that, while guaranteeing the streamer gets full credit – and coming soon, compensation as well.”
. has created a complete experience for creators and viewers alike. By connecting their Twitch account, fans automatically get highlights from each streamer they follow as part of their feed, and coming soon, a “live indicator” that will alert them when those streamers are broadcasting live.
“Fans are constantly asking me to post more highlights, but I just don’t have the time given our crazy practice schedule.” said Søren “Bjergsen” Bjerg, League of Legends mid-laner for Team Solo-Mid. “It’s great that fans can now grab my best moments for me and see them posted next to clips I’ve personally shared.”
“The new Chrome extension puts the control in the hands of the fans,” said Nik Adams, Senior Vice President, Global Sales & Business Development at ESL. “Now they get to tell us what they think the best moments are across all of our tournaments – from Intel Extreme Masters and ESL One to our National Championships and beyond. This gives fans a whole new way of interacting with our broadcasts.”
With the Chrome Extension, users can capture a 30-second, source-quality video clip of any Twitch livestream moment after it’s happened. The clip can then be trimmed and posted to – with one-click sharing to Reddit, Twitter, Facebook, etc. The video is posted with attribution to the original streamer; Twitch broadcasters will have all highlights from their Twitch stream presented on their profile page, organized by livestream session.