At Gearbox’s panel at PAX East, the Borderlands developers Gearbox Software showed a trailer for their Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel final DLC, called ‘The Claptastic Voyage’. This DLC will feature ten new levels set in that most horrifying location imaginable: inside Claptrap’s mind. The Claptastic Voyage coming March 24th. Enjoy the video below.
“We really wanted to make the most annoying thing we can think of,” 2K Australia’s Jonathan Pelling told the crowd at PAX East. “We wanted to drill into his character more and see what makes him tick. We’ll be experiencing first-hand his neuroses, hopes, dreams, fears, and stupidity.” (via PCGamer)
According to, “the new story campaign picks up after the pre-sequel, forming a bridge to the beginning of Borderlands 2. Handsome jack discovers that a powerful new data archive has been hidden “in the last place anyone would ever look,” inside Claptrap’s code. Jack calls his vault hunters, digitizes them, and sends them inside Claptrap’s software.”
Thanks @PCGamer