Ubisoft has revealed the first year of Rainbow Six Siege‘s DLC plans in a long blog post. They want to foccus on a “no paywall” philosophy in which maps and extra characters (operators, in the game’s lingo) are given away for free or can be unlocked either by playing the game or with real money. This first year of additional content will be divided into four seasons, Each of them with a different theme.
In this first year, Ubisoft plans to release four new maps, eight new operators, new game modes and some cosmetic content. “Maps and modes will be free and available immediately for everyone,” according to the blog-post. Further they say that “new operators and most weapon skins can be unlocked with earned currency called Renown, or with R6 Credits… The only new content that will be available exclusively by purchase will be a small number of premium weapon skins that are purely aesthetic and have no impact on gameplay.”
This game introsuces the renown, which will be your basic experience-based currency. Players will be able to spend this on weapons, skins and operators. What we like is that all the post-launch maps will be free. You can earn them across almost everything in Siege. How much you get is affected by factors like player’s kills, deaths, revives and even friendly fire. Take a look at the image below.
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