Sony and From Software have released some images of a new boss from the upcoming PlayStation 4-exclusive game Bloodborne. We think he looks gorgeous. More Images in the gallery below.
The boss is called ‘Darkbeast’ and he is an electric beast made up of giant skeletal remains. Because of the lightning that courses through his body he is very fast.
“Just like in Demon’s Souls, Bloodborne will feature many boss enemies of all shapes and sizes, and there will be a variety of ways to defeat them,” Japan Asia PR manager Yasuhiro Kitao said. “So I think you will find that the gameplay in Bloodborne is rich and diverse.”
Bloodborne release date is March 24th in the US and March 27th in the EU. For more on Bloodborne, check out our previous reports:
Bloodborne – Soundtrack Recording Session
Bloodborne Multiplayer Revealed?
Bloodborne PS4s Coming to Japan
New Bloodborne Artworks & Screenshots
New Bloodborne Gameplay Footage
Bloodborne – New screenshots and artworks
Bloodborne – Frame Rate Targeting 30fps
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