We wanted to give you a quick heads up that Bossa Studio will be streaming their playtest on Twitch tomorrow, February 25, beginning at 9 AM. Those interested in seeing the game’s unique massive online sandbox gameplay firsthand can pull up to their monitors and watch the SpatialOS-powered action happen in real time.
The key improvements in this new playtest build are:
- First playtest with players from North America!
- Salvaging with the multitool has changed and has a brand new look
- The shipyard and assembly station (formerly crafting station) have gotten their art updated!
- We’ve implemented a new feature to combat runby griefing when you’re crafting your ship:
- We’ve built a load of brand new islands to fill the world with, complete with new ruin art and foliage.
- The glider has vapor trails now!
- Your character has some new character animations now!
- Updated audio assets
- Improved PvP
Join Bossa and the lucky players invited to this round of playtesting on www.twitch.tv/bossastudios