On July 18th, some of Europe’s greatest internet stars are ready to take on the GeForce #GTXChallenge in a nine hour live competition and to celebrate some of the community’s most popular games. These all Top Twitch streamers and YouTube all-stars across Europe will fight in a bid to win an ultimate prize pool for their community worth over 15.000 Euro! They want to get eternal glory for the winning team and their communities in the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, the Nordics and Poland.
Hosted in Cologne’s very own ESL Studio One, the event will be live streamed via the NVIDIA Twitch channel with localised streams in participating countries – including the German, French and Polish NVIDIA Twitch channels. But you don’t have to search for it. We will link the stream in this post right here. You can find the stream and links to the other countries below.
As part of the challenge, seven teams of three will compete against each other in games, including CS: GO, Project CARS, Shovel Knight and more. With the viewers being able to get involved during the challenges via a number of raffles.
Watch live video from NVIDIA on www.twitch.tv
EN/NORDIC STREAM: www.twitch.tv/nvidia
GERMANY: www.twitch.tv/nvidia_de
FRANCE: www.twitch.tv/nvidiafrance
POLAND: www.twitch.tv/nvidia_pl
SPAIN: www.twitch.tv/esl_spain
ITALY: www.twitch.tv/esl_it
The prize pool includes bespoke GeForce GTX-powered gaming rigs, newly released G-SYNC notebooks, and top of the range G-SYNC monitors.
Stay tuned for more information. We have the teams, more games and the challenges revealed on this site.
The Teams
Team Germany

Stefan Rech aka rechyyy (25)
Loves to play Counter-Strike: Global Offensive and collect it’s expensive Pixels also known as Weapon Skins.
Specialty: FPS Games
Motto: “GTX Challenge? Mo luhe lo”

Kevin Tweedale – alias “Mrtweeday” (22)
Loves to play Counter-Strike, create Videos, filming and working out.
Specialty: FPS / Shooter
Favourite Genre: Competitive / Team-Based
Motto: “Ready, willing, able.”; “GTX Challenge – harte Herausforderung, aber zuversichtlich. SCHLAND!”
Team Spain

IvánForever (23)
I’ve loved videogames since I was a kid and nowadays what I really like and keeps surprising me is YouTube. Sharing your experiences with others is something incredible. / Desde niño me encantan los videojuegos y hoy en día algo que realmente me gusta y me sigue sorprendiendo cada día es YouTube, compartir tus experiencias con otras personas es algo increíble.
Specialty: GTA V, Call of Duty
Favourite Genre: FPS, Cars, Adventure
Motto: “In whatever you do…do your best! / En lo que sea… pero el mejor!”

byAbeeL (29)
I like to make videos having a good time playing games with my friends, and share them in YouTube. My secret is to just be myself and enjoy what I do. / Me gusta grabar vídeos con mis amigos pasar un buen rato y subirlo a YouTube, mi especialidad son las carreras de GTA V y las partidas de Call of Duty, mi secreto es ser uno mismo y disfrutar lo que haces.
Specialty: GTA V, Call of Duty
Favourite Genre: FPS, cars, adventure, action
Motto: “More is better. / Que no nos falte de na..”

BraxXter (23)
He likes to create content to YouTube each day and make people laugh with videos. 265.000 suscribers in YouTube.
Specialty: GTA V
Motto: ” Behead kings or bow to Them .”
Team Nord

Proxyfox aka Amalie (18)
Loves to stream League of Legends while playing with friends and viewers. Very fond of dogs and a very good Tetris Battle player.
Specialty: MOBA games
Favourite Genre: FPS, Cars, Adventure
Motto: “It’s never too late to surrender.”

Warren aka ReNDoG
Dedicated Youtuber, steak lover, and all round professional Minecraft noob extraordinaire! Creating Youtube videos is my passion and my art which I consider my greatest privilege to be able to share with world.
Fansite: http://www.dogcraft.net

Anders Eriksson aka ImAnderZEL
I’m AnderZEL I make videos to make you lol and sometimes I’m pretty bad ass in FPS games

Viktor “iskall85” Lind (Non-participating honorary member!)
Former competitive Quake World player that decided to drill a hole in my FPS gaming mouse in 2003. I proposed to Minecraft in October 2010 and we have been married ever since, it’s a very healthy relationship! I have a lot of passion & love for creating entertaining and inspiring YouTube videos of me playing Minecraft.
Specialty: As if I would reveal that! pff.
Favourite Genre: Sandbox, Indie
Motto: “Passion & Love”
Team France

Thomas aka Laink (23)
Plays video games dumbly with his dumb friend Terracid.
Specialty: FPS
Favourite Genre: Co-op adventure / Speedrun
Motto: “Ouvrez les écoutilles de skill !”; “J’ai dit à ma maman que j’allais gagner le GTX Challenge.”

Damien aka Terracid (22).
Plays video games dumbly with his dumb friend Laink.
Specialty: FPS
Favourite Genre: Co-op adventure / Zombie Games
Motto: “C’est bon, j’ai un nova.”; “Une fois j’ai gagné 5 euros avec un jeu à gratter, alors normalement je peux gagner le GTX Challenge.”

Thaek (20).
J’adore faire tout et n’importe quoi sur n’importe quels jeux!
Specialty: WTF Games
Favourite Genre: —
Team UK

Robert Wright aka GiveMeANameX
Loves to eat chicken and go to the gym but when he isn’t doing that he can be found streaming daily causing havoc whilst trying to be a professional gamer, but the end result is usually, still a noob.
Specialty: Action Adventure
Favourite Genre: Adventure
Motto: “OMG, OMG, OMG”

Luke Taylor aka Ltzonda (21).
Twitch live streamer & lazy Youtuber, hobbies involve playing Airsoft & eating food. Slight addiction to GTA V and no particular set of skills in any game.
Specialty: N/A
Favourite Genre: Stuff with guns!
Motto: “INDEED INDEED INDEED!” ; “GTX Challenge? Probably gonna lose… “

Tim Mines aka Spamfish (34).
Been Gaming since Atari 2600 days. Love messing around in Open World games and finding new ways to play and explore them. Better known as the FailFish emote on Twitch.
Specialty: Science!
Favourite Genre: Action, Sports
Motto: “Cake! Money! Seagulls!”; ”As long as I do my best and give it my all, whatever way the cookie crumbles – it’s a game of two halves.”
Team PL

Remigiusz „Rock” Maciaszek
Remigiusz „Rock” Maciaszek is one of the first YouTube gaming channels in Poland. Besides, he is the CEO of JaRock.pl and he actively supports e-sport.

Piotr “Izak” Skowyrski
Piotr “Izak” Skowyrski is a professional gaming commentator of Counter Strike: Global Offensive, he also has the fastest-growing YouTube channel and most viewed stream of CS:GO on TwitchTV in the world.

Jakub Szuba vel Kubson
Loves to do gameplay videos on adventure and action games, very keen on computer graphics and sports which he actively practices. A big fan of Star Wars series.
Specialty: FPS Games
Favourite Genre: Adventures
Motto: “Never back down”
Team IT

Nicola Palmieri aka Redez
Loves to play videogames and shoot photos all around the world.
Specialty: FPS
Favourite Genre: FPS
Motto: “Tanto va la gatta al lardo che poi le viene il colesterolo alto.”

Mario Palladino aka Synergo
Loves to watch b-movies and playing his guitar, not necessarily in this order.
Specialty: FPS
Favourite Genre: Hack’n Slash
Motto: “La vita è come una scatola di cioccolatini: se esageri poi vai in cacarella…”
